Standing Out in a Remote Workplace

You know that promotion and new opportunities come out of taking initiative and standing out, but in a remote workplace, it can be challenging to shine when you’re not bumping into your boss on the way to your desk.

When you are missing those opportunities to have an on the spot connection or conversation, you have to be intentional and make those moments happen!

I want to share with you 4 ways to keep the connection and continue to shine on a remote team:

#1 Utilize the communication channels your team has.

This could be Slack, Microsoft Teams or an internal instant messenger. Instead of popping in just to clear notifications, you can use the appropriate channels to catch up with your team, help someone out, answer a question, share a resource, or share a win!


#2 Schedule a one-off 1:1 with your manager

Schedule this meeting outside of your normal check-in when you have something to share.

Don’t wait!

By the time you get to the check-in. you may forget or too much time may have passed for it to feel as big or important.


#3) Schedule Coffee Chats with peers you do not get to see.

In person or virtual chats work. Either way it’s a good chance to build relationships, share experiences, problem solve, and get nuggets of information.

If you’re trying to learn different skill sets, even networking with your team is great! It’s okay if you don’t have projects together, just reach out!


#4) If you are new or in a junior level position, pair up with a senior level person to have Buddy Chats

Use Buddy Chats to catch up, learn, and share your thoughts. It helps you align with the work that’s going on and stay abreast of things coming up.

Use the resources you have to get your voice out there, connect with people, and stay visible.

There are so many perks to remote work, but do not let the distance keep you from opportunities that are meant for you!

If you’d like the accountability, strategic planning, and mentorship as you navigate your career development in a changing workplace, this is what I am here for.

Looking for accountability, strategic planning and mentorship for your career?

That’s what I’m here for! I’ll help you navigate your career development in a changing workplace. To learn more about working together, schedule a time to chat. I can’t wait to hear about your big plans!


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