Designer Career Path: Big Tech vs. Corporate

Working at a big tech company, I have noticed that designers want to get into management, but when I worked in corporate, designers were avoiding the management track like the plague. Now don't get me wrong there are some outliers.

Why the difference?

In the Corporate world…

I have found that working in corporate, you see it all. You see behind the curtain.

You see your boss balding early from the stress and you can tell that their salary and all that stress isn't worth it. You probably are making more or close to what they are!

But at a big tech company?

There’s a lot of fanfare. Lots going on and there’s so many people you interact with that you don’t get to see all the nooks and crannies (especially when you are working remotely).

You do not have a front row seat to all the stressors and things your manager really has to do.

When you’re a designer at a big tech firm, there's confidence there.

Mama, you made it! You feel like you can tackle the world!

Maybe you even feel superhuman (definitely when you’re fueled by coffee), and you see management as the next not-so-challenging step.

But girllll, you haven’t seen behind the curtain yet.

How do you know if management is the right path for you?

Now I love the management track, though I prefer the term People Leadership (people are my jam!). I love seeing people thrive and make their dreams come true both personally and professionally.

On those days when the job isn't hitting all the cylinders, it's the people that make the difference, even if I need to motivate them.

So if that's not your hype, then the people leadership track might not be for you. It's not just a role of X's and O's.

You have to genuinely enjoy and care about being a great leader.

And be willing to expand your options. I’m saying this as a leader of a design team at a big tech company. I have managed design teams in both corporate and tech companies, and I am here to tell you there are so many different avenues.

There are options that allow you to do more of what you love, or develop and flex a new skill, or even switch to a new kind of role at a different kind of company.

This is just my take, and I would love to hear your thoughts!

There is more ahead of you than management (unless that’s what you are truly passionate about!).

Let’s explore all your options so you have the control and the choice.

Looking for accountability, strategic planning and mentorship for your career?

That’s what I’m here for! I’ll help you identify the best career path based on your goals. To learn more about working together, schedule a time to chat.


Standing Out in a Remote Workplace


Goal-Getters: 1-on-1 with Karriema Calhoun