How to choose the right accountability partner

How to choose the right accountability partner

Who is there to help hold you accountable and motivate you towards reaching your goals?

Having someone there to give you that extra push can mean the difference between whether or not you achieve success.

Choosing an accountability partner can be challenging. It’s important to know what to look for. When choosing someone for this very important role and developing this professional relationship, here are some things to consider.

  1. Don’t choose a friend or family member. You want someone that is going to be objective.

  2. Develop a growth plan and timeline for your accountability partner so that you have a clear path towards achieving your goals.

  3. Define your goals, your plan to achieve them, and how you will measure progress.

I strongly believe in the importance of having a good accountability partnership, which is why I created a free accountability checklist to help you and your partner plan and track your progress towards your 2021 goals.

Click the button below to get your free checklist and form the right accountability partnership today.

Accountability Partner Checklist.jpg

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