Goal-Getters: 1-on-1 with Dana Gardner

Goal-getter (noun): a Bad-A$$ who sets goals, takes risks, and never gives up to make their dreams a reality.
— Karyn Nesby

The Goal-Getter series is committed to showcasing women who have made bold and significant career changes this year.

In this first installment of the series, I took some time to speak to Dana Gardner, a registered dietician and the owner of Jax Fresh Mobile Market. 

In this interview we talk all about her entrepreneurial journey and how her career as a dietician impacted and influenced the creation of her business.

This interview is full of gems for anyone who may be looking to step into entrepreneurship, but may not necessarily be looking to leave the 9-5 that they love.

Tell the audience a bit about who you are and what you do.

I am a registered dietitian and owner of Jax Fresh Mobile Market. We are committed to transparency, honesty and innovation while providing products that are good to you and for you.

Our first products are a line of wellness loose leaf teas, Essential-i-Tea, that were created to support health and wellness.

We offer an array of blends including:

  • Immun-i-Tea

  • Anti Anxiety-Tea

  • Heart Tea

  • Sinus Tea

  • Cleanse Tea

  • Tummy Time Tea

  • And so much more!


What inspired you to step into entrepreneurship?

I always knew I wanted to step into entrepreneurship, but in 2020 when COVID hit hard, it allowed me time to really focus on not only what I wanted to do but more importantly what our community needed. During COVID there were so many people who were reaching out to me seeking natural alternatives to help boost their immune system and to improve their overall health and wellness.

Also, our community was also needing honest, transparent and science-based information regarding COVID and other health concerns. I wanted to be the non-judgmental voice that consumers could listen to and learn from while they are making those small steps that lead to big gains.


What skills are you able to transfer into your business that you gained through the work that you do in your full-time career?

I have been in healthcare for almost 20 years, so that part naturally comes easy to me, but the other skills I learned from my full-time career that has helped to foster my business are accounting, time management, and automation of tasks.


How do you balance a full-time career with the demands of entrepreneurship?

In the very beginning I can admit I wore myself thin because I wanted every waking moment to be about my business and making sure my customers’ orders are completed in a timely manner.

However, I have learned to balance my full time career and the demands of my business by staying committed to my schedule. One of the great things about my full-time job is that it’s an 8-5, so very rarely is there time before or after I am needed. This is helpful because before and after I can wholly focus on my business without having to mind-shift back to the full-time career.

Creating my social media content calendar at least two weeks in advance has been helpful in allowing me to stay on task and not stretch myself too thin. Also, since I do have a physical product business that I hand make at time of order, I give myself 2-3 hours a day to focus on orders.


What fears or apprehensions did you have about entering entrepreneurship and what did you do to overcome those fears?

The fear of failure, not being accepted in my industry, and failing financially were top of mind. Also, like most entrepreneurs experiencing imposter syndrome as well was a big issue starting out.

I was able to overcome those fears by just DOING and really talking with God about how HE wanted me to build the business in which He gave me the vision. Every time I hit a goal or even when I don't meet a goal, I still give myself a pat on the back because I was able to take the first step by just starting my business.


How do you balance the demands of full-time work and being a business owner?

One of the most important parts is to make sure they are separate. I try not to juggle or complete tasks for both at the same time but instead give my undivided attention to my full time work and my business at their designated times. Having a schedule is also very helpful to me.

Be sure to schedule self-care and rest. Remember we cannot pour from an empty cup and your business needs you physically, emotionally and mentally healthy.


What advice do you have for people looking to get into entrepreneurship, but also want to keep their full-time job?

I would advise them first to write down their work schedule and the demands of their job. Then from there how their business can fit into it without it making work life more complicated.


Is there anything else you’d like to share with the audience?

Be sure to follow us on Instagram @jax_fresh_mobile_market and
@essential_i_tea. Also, check out or teas and blog on www.jaxfreshmobilemarket.com. We also are open to collaborations, customizing teas for your next event and speaking engagements. Contact us at jaxfreshmobilemarket.com


If you want to transition into entrepreneurship, learning how to leverage your current career skills could be the first step in your entrepreneurial journey.

Dana's top 2 StandOut assessment strengths are Creator and Pioneer.

Book a Career Mapping session today to identify your strengths and develop a plan to use them to build your desired business.


Goal-Getters: 1-on-1 with Klara Cu (Digital Nomad)


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